Friday, March 09, 2007

Revealing The Secret #2 on Larry King Live

I went back on Larry King March 8 and made Larry laugh by telling him the three laws of the universe and then stunned him with some news about The Secret part two..
See it all here -- LIVE

Ao Akua,

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

EXTRA TV, Joe...and a Duck

eXtra TV is trying to make me and Lisa Nichols stand-out stars from the movie The Secret. This clip barely lasts 90 seconds but it's fast and upbeat. Be sure to see what the duck says at the end.
Ao Akua,

Use this link to view it on

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Secret explored on CBS Early Show

Joe and I arrived in Hollywood less than 24 hours ago. When leaving the airport Joe was recognized by a fan of The Secret. Now, this morning we awake to CBS correspondent Bill Whittaker on The Early Show. We both thought the piece Whittaker did was good and fair. James Ray is the featured guest. Joe comments on the piece afterward.

The Secret on CBS The Early Show

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