I'm breathless, excited, inspired, on fire,
and beside myself with the following news --
The movie I'm in will be out soon. The producers
have kept everything hush-hush -- until today.
They've spared no expense and involved hundreds
of people to bring you what I think will be the
most powerful, life-changing, and world
transforming event of this century -- if not all time.
You can see a teaser for the movie at the below
link. While you won't be able to see the movie
yet, this will get you excited about it.
Believe me, you've never seen anything like it.
Go to --
http://www.whatisthesecret.tv Please forward this email or even just that link
to everyone you know. Let's get the world ready
to once again discover "The Secret."
It's time.
Go for it.
Dr. Joe Vitale